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China's Electric Car Safety - Covered Up, You're Being Sold a Lie!?

The brand new BYD cars have rolled out on Indian roads recently. We have heard about the Blade Batteries from Chinese electric car maker BYD...

The brand new BYD cars have rolled out on Indian roads recently. We have heard about the Blade Batteries from Chinese electric car maker BYD to have been developed inhouse as 'the safest'.

With this video surfacing exposing many incidents to the much claimed 'safest batteries' So, how safe are these BYD blade batteries?

Excerpts from their official that claims, "The Blade Battery has been developed for maximum safety, while offering outstanding strength, range, longevity and power. It is a battery that is ultra-safe with an ultra-strong structure for durability, while also offering ultra-long range and ultra-long lifespan."

It is also important to note that, the person in the above video depicting as 'dangerous' is not an EV or EV battery expert of any kind. However, he is an English speaking gentleman who has lived in China for over a decade, can read and write Chinese, is married to a Chinese woman and has an overall understanding on the workings of the 'inside China'. Also going by the fact that China has two faces, one for the world and a completely different (on many aspects) within its own soil, his voice matters for most of us.

Comparison Analysis of Different Technologies & Manufacturers

According to the video by The Limiting Factor, who does a thorough research on EV & Battery technologies can be vouched as a better source here. Even his video, mentions about the resultant fire with the 'safer blade batteries', that is advertised differently to us from BYD themselves.


It is safe to understand and accept the fact for now, as the EV battery is a container that has relatively higher density of energy (both in gravimetric & volumetric aspects), and thereby it is uncomfortably realistic to assume for a possible fire-incident when it is out of its favourable conditions.

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