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Summer Solstice, Int'l Yoga, World Music Day & World Motorcycle Day

MotoYogi is the theme of this picture, where Motorcycle is involved with Yoga on the special occasion. Photo Credit #BBC #IamMotoYogi #CityT...

MotoYogi is the theme of this picture, where Motorcycle is involved with Yoga on the special occasion.
MotoYogi is the theme of this picture, where Motorcycle is involved with Yoga on the special occasion. Photo Credit #BBC #IamMotoYogi #CityTodayMedia

How would you celebrate the Summer Solstice, with the day being an International Day for Yoga & also is World Motorcycle Day!?

Well I say, ride a Motorcycle to the Stonehenge, play music and do Yoga! Three birds one stone, hahaha!

It so happened, whether it's a coincidence or what, Summer Solstice that occurs every year somewhere on the 21st of June, was also the day it was promoted around 9 years back by Indian PM Narendra Modi at UN, New York to celebrate the science of good health. Summer Solstice was particularly chosen as Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) was one of the most practiced form of physical yogic exercise by many Indians and everyone else. It was another co-incidence he happened to do it again back at UN HQ, today with a huge crowd gathered.

Well, music & motorcycling.. that's fun right?! 

Celebrations for Four Many Reasons!

Summer Solstice - Longest Day of the Year

When the sun shines for the longest time, it's time to celebrate the peak of summer! On this very special day, usually around June 20-22 the Northern Hemisphere is the most lit day and hence the shortest of night span. It's no secret that for centuries people from all over the world cherish this longest day with events to cherish for what it offers.

Summer solstice occurs when one half of the planet ie., the hemisphere which is in direct view of the Sun receiving maximum daylight thereby happens to be exposed to maximum amount of time in a day. in a given year. It all happens because of the 'axial tilt' the earth rotates in own axis through the day, along the year. You can learn about this completely here.

Celebrations of Summer Solstice has many ways and representations with subtle to vast difference across many cultures. Somewhere it is seen as a time of renewal and rebirth, while in some cultures, it is also associated with abundance and security. 

Solstice comes from conjoining of two Latin words "sol" (sun) and "stitium" or "sistere" (still). Solstitium later became Solstice in larger English. As the sun appears to be still as it seems, due to longer amount of time.

Many called this day as Earth has titled more towards the Sun, however The Earth's axis is tilted at a constant angle & orientation, but as the Earth travels around the Sun in its orbit, the rise and setting down differs thereby making these changes. By the way, there is Winter Solstice (the shortest day) and Equinoxes. That's for some other time, now lets soak up all the sunlight, shall we ;)

However, its important to note that the opposite is true for the Southern Hemisphere, which flips exactly to the Norther counterpart and experiences opposite weather, the Winter!


In India, it is celebrated as the first day of Yoga as it is believed that it was on this day the Adiyogi, the Shiva himself began to teach to his 7 disciples who decide to leave him as they realised that there was no benefit to follow him. Yoga, as we know it is believed to be coined today by Adiyogi as to be the best way of living with physical, spiritual and mindfulness.

In United Kingdom, at Stonehenge, the prehistoric site of the famous stone circle monument built by early human settlers. Here thousands of people gather to watch the sunrise on the summer solstice, as they believe the sun's rays align perfectly with the ancient stones, making it a time for them to spiritual reflect on themselves, and also while connecting with nature.

Midsommar festival, Sweden, is celebrated on the account of the summer solstice. On this occassion people come dressed in colorful traditional clothes, dance, and decorate maypoles with flowers and leaves, along with delicious Swedish food and drinks.

In Peru, on this day 'Inti Raymi', the ancient Inca festival is reenacted during the summer solstice. As much as around the world, it begins with offerings to the Sun God, Inti; along with food, music, and dancing. The ancient Incan's believed that the goal is to seek blessings for a good harvest and protection for the community from the Sun God.

World Music Day & World Motorcycle Day

On the special occasion of the above two celebrations, it also happens to be World Music Day & World Motorcycle Day. People enthusiastically took part on mixing all these four-in-one quad-celebration event and reverberated positive notes all long.

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