Volkswagen Motorsports has announced that they would be very much interested in getting in the competition at Global RallyCross & X...
Volkswagen Motorsports has announced that they would be very much interested in getting in the competition at Global RallyCross & X-Games in the coming year. In this debut season 2012 of GRC, with the existing fleet of car manufacturers like, Ford, Saab, Subaru, Dodge, and Hyundai with 600+ bhp engines under the hood.

This happened after its marketing head Stefan Moser happened to attend the GRC this year & looked very impressed with both the urban youth's reach & interests with a contrasting comparision to the WRC or rallying as a whole.

Stefan said, "What Jost saw at the X Games was nearly the perfect sport. It had everything we need, including young spectators in an urban area. It [Global Rallycross] is easy to cover and easy to understand, unlike WRC or simply Rally, as it is still an mystery motorsport with most of the general public."
And with Citroen trying out one of the invitational event and winning it, VW has definitely got interests in venturing out into the bigger exposure to the cars than the event itself, which is really definitely going to help him appeal to the audience & sell more of his cars.

Actually, he is right! The timed stage format Rally / WRC is not for anybody across the street who can understand it just like that. It is not a car-to-car racing event & people hardly find time to find out how it works, unlike RallyCross, which is simple in lay man's terms - the first car through the finish line wins! With all this full drama unfolds within a few minutes/hours & the fans get to see every piece of action unlike in a rally where the cars just zooms past them. This definitely not going to damage the WRC as a whole, but surely going to hit with the turn out & fans count. Also hope this modern era's GroupB monsters don't take out other flavours of motorsports from its fans.
Hope FIA & WRC community make some neat arrangements unlike, what has been happening from a few months now. Hope the WRC, GRC,.. & have their own merits to survive all alike.
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